Phlox Button

A Button Widget can be added to any post or page on your website. You are able to create different kinds of buttons and customize the button size, shape, style, etc.

One more way to add a button to the posts or pages, is adding a shortcode. Read this article to find out more information.

Video Tutorial

  1. Go to your WordPress Admin Panel
  2. Click the Pages on the Dashboard
  3. Click the Add New
  4. Navigate to the top left hand of the WordPress text-box and find Edit with Elementor button.
  5. Check out Elements
  6. Scroll down to PHLOX - General section
  7. Choose Button

After adding a button to your content, you are able to customize it by available options:

  • Content


Write a name for your button on Button label.


You can add a link to your button.

  • Style


Button widget has some general options. You can change the Color of button or its Size.

Also, there are three available shapes: Box, Round, and Curve and three styles: Normal, 3D, and Outline


In this section, you are able to select an icon for your button. The alignment of the selected icon can be set to Left, Right, Over, and Animate from Left or Right. The Color is customizable, too. Padding properties are used to generate space around the icon and you can set different paddings on mobile and tablet.


The button text is editable and you can change its Color and Typography. Also, you can change its Padding.

Check out this article to know more about Advanced tab and start working with Elementor.

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