Phlox Divider

With this widget, you are able to add a Divider between the widgets on the sidebar, and between the texts on your posts and pages. In this way, you can separate all the available widgets.

Follow below steps to add Phlox Divider to a widget area or in a page content:

1- In Widget Areas

  1. Go to your WordPress admin panel
  2. Click Appearance on the Dashboard
  3. Then click Widgets
  4. Find [Phlox] Divider among the available widgets and add it to your desired Widget Area

2- In Page Builder

  1. Go to your WordPress Admin Panel
  2. Click Pages on the Dashboard
  3. Click Add New
  4. Navigate to the top right hand of the WordPress editor and find Page Builder, beside text tab
  5. Click Add Widget
  6. Click Phlox and choose [Phlox] Divider
  7. Click Edit on the right side of the widget on Page Builder

Divider Options

Divider Style

Different divider styles are available to choose.

Divider Width

The width of divider is changeable to large, medium, or small.

Margin Top/Bottom

Fill out the margin top/bottom fields to add a space below the divider.

Extra Class Name

If you have written a style in your CSS file, add its class name here to customize the widget.

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