Displaying Phlox Recent Portfolios by Page Builder

Recent Portfolio Element is a good choice to present your portfolios on an archive page. If you are a photographer or a designer, you need to showcase an attractive portfolio on your website.
On Phlox theme, you can add portfolio elements to any page or post you want. In Elementor, Visual Composer page builders, these elements include various options to customize. In this way, you can simply edit the style of your recent portfolios.

To know more about creating portfolios, please take a look at this article

Portfolios on Grid, Tile and Masonry Options in Elementor Page Builder

  1. Go to your WordPress Admin Panel
  2. Click the Pages on the Dashboard
  3. Click the Add New
  4. Navigate to the top left hand of the WordPress text-box and find Edit with Elementor button.
  5. Check out Elements
  6. Scroll down to PHLOX - PORTFOLIO section
  7. Choose Grid, Masonry, and Tiles Portfolios

After adding recent posts to your post or page, you are able to customize it by available options:

  • Layout


Grid and Masonry Portfolios

On Masonry and Grid Portfolios, you are able to change the number of columns (up to 6) on desktop, tablet, and mobile.

There are 9 available patterns on Tiles Portfolios instead of columns.

Tiles Portfolios You are able to enable these features:

  • Display title
  • Display categories
  • Display like button (Only on Masonry and Grid)
  • Deeplink


  • Content


You are able to choose one or more than one Category for your recent posts, or even show the posts of all available categories. Also, you can select a specific category.

Number of posts to show is editable. Also, you are able to Exclude posts without media and custom post formats. If you exclude custom post formats, you are able to Exclude quote and link post formats.

You can Order posts by:

  • Date: Order the posts by their publication date
  • Menu Order: Order by page order
  • Title: Order by post title
  • ID: Order by post ID
  • Random: Your posts appear randomly
  • Comments: Order the posts by number of comments
  • Date Modified: Order by last modified date
  • Author: Order by the posts' author
  • Inserted post IDs: In the order you write post IDs on Include posts section

Post Order can be Descending or Ascending.

In Include/Exclude posts field, you can enter the the specific posts IDs that you want/do not want to show.

In Start offset field, you are able to set a number to choose the number of posts you want to skip, and start the output with the next posts.

  • Settings


On recent portfolios, you are able to show some items on top of the element. The Filter bar allows visitors to sort portfolio items easily. Portfolios can be filtered by Categories, Tags, or Filters.

To add this filter bar to your portfolio, you need to enable Display filters.

You are able to change the Filter Control Alignment to Left, Center, or Right.

There are 9 available Filter Button Style:
Slide up, Fill, Cube, Underline, Float Frame, Bordered, Float Underline, Dropdown


You can change the Transition duration on reveal/hide in milliseconds. Also, you are able to change Delay between reveal/hide.


You can add pagination to your portfolio by enabling Paginate. Also, it is possible to change the number of items per page.


  • Style


You can change Tiles hover type to: Classic with lightbox style 1 (for Grid and Masonry), Classic with lightbox style 2 (for Grid and Masonry). Overlay title style 1, Overlay title style 2, Overlay title with lightbox style 1, Overlay title with lightbox style 2


You can change the Color, Typography, and Bottom space of the title on Normal or Hover.


Like previous options, you can change the Color, Typography, Bottom space, and Space between metas on Normal and Hover.

Check out this article to know more about Advanced tab and start working with Elementor.

To know more about each of the elements, you can take a look at these articles:Masonry and Grid Portfolios

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