How Does Phlox White Label Work?

Phlox White Label lets you rebrand the WordPress Admin to what you want. This feature is exclusive to Phlox agency customers (You need to purchase more than 5 licenses), and they can access White Label by simply adding two lines of code to wp-config.php after define('WP_DEBUG', true);

define( 'AUX_WHITELABEL', true );
define( 'AUX_WHITELABEL_DISPLAY', true );

These changes will be preserved during theme updates.

After adding this snippet, you can rename Phlox Pro label, or even remove it from dashboard sidebar menu.

Also, it is possible to remove each tab you want from Phlox Pro theme.

Rename Phlox Pro Branding

Follow the below steps to change Phlox labels/Theme details:

  1. Go to WordPress Admin Panel
  2. Click Appearance on Dashboard Sidebar Menu
  3. Go to Customize
  4. On the customizer, click on White Label and navigate to Settings
  5. Replace the Theme Name, Theme Author Name, and other details of the theme.
  6. Click on Publish button to save the change

Controlling Display Options

Options in the Display menu allow you to toggle the display of menus and notifications of the Phlox.

To prevent your client from accessing and changing these options, you need to hide White Label options. The only thing you need to do is change  true to false as the below code.

define( 'AUX_WHITELABEL_DISPLAY', false );
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