Overview of Localization

Almost 50% of Web Users are non-english speakers. So web globalization and internationalizing the websites is vital and should be taken into consideration when building a website.

Phlox theme has already been localized and is translation-ready. It comes with a .pot file that contains the static texts of the theme. It allows you to translate the theme in any language you want.

WordPress Language

The very first step to translate your theme into your own language is changing the WordPress Language. To do so, follow below steps:

  1. Go to your WordPress Admin Panel
  2. Click the Settings on the Dashboard
  3. Go to General
  4. Change the Site Language

After changing the site language, the admin panel will be displayed in your language.

Read More

The below articles will provide you more detailed information and instructions on how to translate the theme:

You can use available translation files for Phlox or translate the theme yourself. In this way, you can help us to make it available in multiple languages and make it accessible to more people worldwide.


i18n: Internationalization is an abbreviation of internationalization because there are 18 letters between ā€œiā€ and ā€œnā€.

l10n: Localization 10 stands for 10 letters between l and n in localization.

g11n: Globalization Same reason

POT: Portable Object Template

PO: Portable Object

MO: Machine Object

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